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September 2, 2020

The Organising Committee of the Olympic Games “Los Angeles 2028” unveiled its Games emblem

Launching the official journey to the Olympic and Paralympic Games Los Angeles 2028, the Local Organising Committee unveiled its Games emblem with stories that celebrate sport, art and the city’s unique community. […]
September 1, 2020

“The 2nd Mediterranean Beach Games were successful”

One year ago, the curtain of the 2nd Mediterranean Beach Games in Patras fell, after a week of remarkable sporting activity, carried out by great athletes. On the occasion of the anniversary, […]
August 31, 2020

Olympic flame displayed at Japan Olympic Museum

The Olympic flame will be on public display at the Japan Olympic Museum in Tokyo, as of 1 September. The lantern was delivered during a special ceremony prepared by the Tokyo 2020 […]
August 28, 2020

San Marino NOC publishes athlete guide on prohibited substance 

The San Marino National Olympic Committee has published an athlete-friendly guide on the use of drugs in sport. The guide, which was produced by National Anti Doping Federation of San Marino, aims […]
August 25, 2020

The great celebration of the Mediterranean Beach Games “Patras 2019”

A year ago in Patras, on August 25 2019, the 2nd Mediterranean Beach Games started with a spectacular Opening Ceremony, which was a great celebration of Mediterranean sports. For the first time […]
August 24, 2020

Habiba Ghribi appointed ambassador of Tunisian sport

World champion and Olympic gold medalist Habiba Ghribi, appointed Ambassador of Tunisian Sport. Habiba Ghribi would support Tunisian diplomacy in the sports sector and will help in promoting the image of Tunisia […]
August 21, 2020

Documentary on Spanish athletes on their way to Tokyo during the Covid-19 era

A documentary entitled “Abanderados del Esfuerzo” (“The fighters of the effort”) on the story of seven elite Spanish athletes, who were hit by the Covid-19 crisis on their way to the Olympic […]
August 17, 2020

The Turkish Olympic Committee launched a new webpage called “Future Olympians”

The Turkish Olympic Committee launched a new webpage called “Future Olympians” which seeks to promote and spread sports culture amongst the younger generations in Turkiye. Acting as a meeting point for athletes […]
August 14, 2020

Slovenia’s uniforms for Tokyo Olympic Games

On the celebration day “one year to go” for Tokyo Olympics, the Olympic Committee of Slovenia presented the sports uniforms for the Games. Slovenia’s official Olympic clothing will be worn in Japan […]