Τhe Forum “Health mental in Sport” of the  Albanian Olympic Committee 

October 10 is officially known as World Mental Health Day, so the Albanian National Olympic Committee in collaboration with the Department of Sports at the European University of Tirana held the Forum ” Health mental in Sport” with a group of elite athletes, Olympians, coaches, and athletes of all ages related to mental health.

In the conditions of the global pandemic, as a result of the quarantine but also the suspension of any kind of activity or sports competition for several months now, it has negatively affected the psychology of everyone, especially athletes.

With the participation of 30 elite athletes, coaches, and some young athletes, the forum developed a discussion of the athlete’s experience with the panel, which was composed of three Doctor of Science in Psychology. The discussion with 3 panelists aimed to help the athletes to improve self-confidence, to cope with stress and control before and after the competition, to get to know how to manage the emotional part and how to improve their performance in sport through a healthy mind, to raise awareness of the role of physical activity for mental health, as well as to understand the impact of mental health on sports performance.

In the end, one of the psychologists made an exercise for everyone about how to keep the emotional part and inner peace.

Mr. Giorgos Chrysostomou is the new President of the Cyprus Olympic Committee
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