Teleconference of the Executive Committee of the International Committee of the Mediterranean Games

Death of Janez Kocijančič
June 2, 2020
Olympic Family bids farewell to Janez Kocijančič
June 6, 2020
Death of Janez Kocijančič
June 2, 2020
Olympic Family bids farewell to Janez Kocijančič
June 6, 2020

The Executive Committee of the International Committee of the Mediterranean Games met by teleconference on Wednesday June 3. The members discussed all the topics related to world sport during the pandemic, as well as the impact of the Covid-19 to the actions of the Mediterranean countries and to the organization of the Mediterranean Games.

The initiatives taken by the International Committee of the Mediterranean Games during the quarantine and its active participation in the #stayhome movement, were significantly addressed. The CIJM has created, among other things, a video message inviting citizens, particularly in Mediterranean countries which they were seriously affected by the pandemic, to stay at home and take care of their health and the health of the fellow citizens.

In addition, the preparations for the Mediterranean Games in Oran in 2022 were also discussed and it was decided to ask the Organizing Committee to submit an updated business plan in relation to the calendar of actions that will take place until the start of the Games. The Coordination Committee of the and the Organizing Committee of Oran 2022 will meet on June 8 by teleconference.

In his introductory speech, the ICMG President Amar Addadi, paid tribute to the President of the European Olympic Committees, Janes Kocijancic, who past away at the age of 78, while a minute of silence was observed in his memory before the start of the meeting. Janez Kotsijancic was a great friend of the Mediterranean Games and in 2017 he received the highest distinction awarded by the CIJM, the Order of Merit.