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March 17, 2022
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March 23, 2022The Organizing Committee of Oran organized on this occasion, a big festival where it announced the start of the countdown to this sporting event which Algeria is preparing to host for a second time in its history. The Commissioner of the games, Mohamed Azziz Derouaz kicked off the countdown to this international sporting event, Thursday evening at the level of the “Port Said” esplanade in the boulevard of the National Liberation Army (ex-Front of sea).
The former Minister of Youth and Sports, who was accompanied by three Algerian champions of previous editions of the Mediterranean Games, the runner Rahoui Boualem and the boxers Moussa Mustapha and Mohamed Bouchiche, insisted in his opening speech that it’s necessary for the Mediterranean event to be successful in all its aspects.
Derouaz’s speech was given at the same time of the arrival of the parade at the level of the garden of Sidi M’hamed, not far from the boulevard de l’ALN, under the musical tunes of the local orchestra led by the maestro Kouider Bouziane.
Different local sports clubs marked their presence in the parade, alongside folk troops and created special moments which sparked the enthusiasm of the participants, under a rainy weather.
The old cars that participated in this parade, with the flags of the 26 countries involved in the Mediterranean sporting event, caught the eye of the crowd.
The participating groups continued their performances all along the boulevard, up to the Place du 1er Novembre, where tents were erected displaying photos of the Mediterranean Games, traditional clothes and traditional local dishes.
The demonstration for the countdown of 100 days to the start of the Mediterranean event continued with the organization of an artistic evening at the “Maghreb” cinema hall, with local artists and former sporting champions were honored.