A minute’s silence in memory of Guy Koller
July 4, 2022
The Closing Ceremony of the Mediterranean Games of Oran
July 7, 2022William Grigahcine, better known under the artistic name of Dj Snake, is present in Oran and said he is delighted to be in El Bahia on the day of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of national independence. He had also stressed that “the organization of Mediterranean Games Oran 2022 was exceptional”.
The composer of the “Disco Maghreb” clip, which has earned more than twenty million views around the world, stressed that Algeria has “demonstrated that it has with real potential and skills to amaze the world”.
“I am very happy to be here in Oran to celebrate with the Algerian people the closing of WY 2022, an event which I followed very closely and which was a real success. I am proud to see firsthand everything that has been accomplished during these games. My pride is all the greater because I am in Oran at a time when the country is celebrating the 60th anniversary of independence,” he said at a press conference. , held in the presence of the commissioner of JM Oran-2022, Mohamed Aziz Derrouaz, on the eve of the closing ceremony of the games of which he is the guest of honor.