Meeting of the Organizing Committee for the Mediterranean Games “Oran 2022”

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The Olympic Committee of Montenegro awarded the best athletes of 2020
January 23, 2021
Bilateral cooperation between Croatia and Algeria
January 27, 2021

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Mr. Sid Ali Khaldi, chaired with the Secretary of State in charge of elite sport, Mrs. Salima Souakri and the President of the Algerian Olympic and Sports Committee, Mr. Abderrahmane Hammad, the meeting of Organizing Committee of the 19th Mediterranean Games of Oran 2022.

In this meeting, an overall assessment was made reagarding the state of progress of preparations since the installation of the new General Directorate of the Games, in order to establish the achievements made, correct any mistakes and to strengthen the coordination between the different departments, at this crucial stage of the preparation process, eighteen months before the Opening Ceremony of the Games scheduled for June 25, 2022.

The representatives of the Departments and the Public Authorities repetead their commitment to the success of the Games and the meeting of the Organizing Committee was concluded by a set of decisions concerning the following aspects:

The delivery of the infrastructures has to be on time through the commitment of the companies in charge of the realization on new deadlines. In particular, March 31, 2021 for the Olympic Stadium, June 30, 2021 for the Mediterranean Village and the 30 September 2021 for the nautical complex and the sports hall.

The Communication and promotion of the Games at national and international levels.

The reception and the conditions of the accommodation of participants.

The implementation of a training plan for young volunteers.

The adoption of the scenarios and the programs of the Opening and the Closing Ceremonies;

The strengthening the health system of the Games.

Finally, it was decided to bring together the members of the Organizing Committee every two months until the start of the Games in order to ensure the best coordination of all sides.