A significant increase in participation in the 2nd Mediterranean Beach Games “Patras 2019”
May 28, 2019
The presentation of the European Young Ambassador Programme
May 30, 2019The Algerian Olympic Committee (AOC) held its Ordinary General Assembly (OGA) on Thursday 16/05/2019, at the headquarters of its major sponsor, ATM Mobilis, in Bab Ezzouar – Algiers.
In addition to the members of the AOC Executive Committee and the Presidents of the Olympic and non-Olympic Federations, the work of the OGA was enhanced by the presence of the Minister of Youth and Sports, Abderaouf BERNAOUI, the CEO of the Air Algeria, Mr Bakhouche ALLECHE and several personalities of the national sports family.
The members of the General Assembly of the Algerian Olympic Committee (AOC), met in ordinary session in Algiers, unanimously adopted the moral and financial balance sheets for the year 2018, as well as the program of activities and the estimated budget for the year 2019, in a serene and friendly atmosphere.
The 67 members present also approved the induction of two new members namely the former tennis player and champion of the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, Mrs. Warda BOUCHABOU and the sports journalist Ms. Wahiba BELHOUA, as well as the admission of the Algerian Federation of Kung-fu-wushu at the AOC General Assembly.
In his statement, the AOC President, Mustapha BERRAF, said he was “very satisfied” with the progress of the OGA’s work which took place in “transparency”, marking “a return to serenity within the Olympic body.”