France: The 2021 Olympic and Paralympic week on the theme of health

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January 28, 2021
Handball: Spain takes the bronze at the 2021 World Cup against France
February 1, 2021
Coordination meeting for the Mediterranean Games “Oran 2022”
January 28, 2021
Handball: Spain takes the bronze at the 2021 World Cup against France
February 1, 2021

The Olympic and Paralympic Week (OPW) will be held from February 1 to 6, 2021 on the subject of health.

On this occasion, the French Olympic and Sports Committee is offering two new educational tools that can be used throughout the year in various sports and Olympism awareness projects:


They are educational sheets using sport and Olympism as educational support for teachers in cycles 1 to 4. A version is now available in English.


The launch of Tuto J.O., the educational platform for 12-25 year olds! This platform brings together 12 thematic and fun videos on Olympism, its history, its values, Paris 2024, Paralympism …


With the objective of moving Generation 2024, the OPW concerns schools and higher education institutes throughout France as well as French schools abroad and is aimed at teachers, pupils and students from nursery school to university, parents of pupils, athletes, in collaboration with associations, sports federations and local authorities.