Violations Of Anti-Doping Rules

A new stadium for the Mediterranean Games “Taranto 2026”
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A new stadium for the Mediterranean Games “Taranto 2026”
November 25, 2022
The Spanish NOC organised the first International Olympic Journalism Congress
November 30, 2022

In accordance with Article 13.3.2 of the ICMG ANTI-DOPING RULES (ICMG ADR) , the ICMG hereby reports that  the  Athlete  Ms Hammadi MAGHNIA (ALG), Weightlifting,  has committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation under Article 2.1 of the ICMG ADR – Presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers in a Player’s Sample – in the Weightlifting event at the Mediterranean Games of Oran 2022. More precisely, a sample collected from the Athlete on July 3, 2022, during the Weightlifting event at the Oran 2022 Mediterranean Games, has revealed  the presence of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) / oxandrolone, which is a non-specified substance prohibited under S1.1 of the WADA Prohibited List.

The Athlete has been sanctioned as follows:

  1. Ms Hammadi MAGHNIA has committed a violation of Article 2.1 of the ICMG ADR;
  2. Ms Hammadi MAGHNIA , pending the decisions of the relevant Federation (International Weightlifting Federation), is in a position of Mandatory “Provisional suspension” from 25 /07/2022;
  3. In accordance of the ICMG ADR with Art.9, 10.1 and 10.10, the results achieved by the Athlete during the Oran 2022 Mediterranean Games are cancelled, with all of the resulting Consequences, including forfeiture of any medals, points and prizes. Accordingly, the results obtained by the Athlete in the WEIGHTLIFTING event at the Oran 2022 Mediterranean Games // W 71 kg Snatch -03 JUL 2022- /  and W 71 kg Clean & Jerk -03 JUL 2022- //,  in which she was respectively ranked second and third place and for which she was awarded a Silver and a Bronze medal, are cancelled, with all of the resulting Consequences, including forfeiture of any medals, points and prizes.
  4. Ms Hammadi MAGHNIA is required to return the medals, points and prizes.
  5. The responsibility for the Athlete’s results management in terms of sanction beyond the Oran 2022 Mediterranean Games is referred to the International Weightlifting Federation, being the relevant International Federation.