The preparation and the bonuses of Moroccan athletes for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

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The EOC “Laurel Award” presented to the KOKSH President Fidel Ylli
October 31, 2022
HOC and the French Embassy in Greece renew the cooperation agreement for the promotion of “Paris 2024”
November 7, 2022

The Moroccan National Olympic Committee  (CNOM) is stepping up its support to the Royal Moroccan Federations so that they can provide athletes with the best possible preparation conditions in order to qualify and participate in the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

After launching its scholarship program for eligible Moroccan athletes, the CNOM invites all the Royal Moroccan Federations to update their specific preparation program for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, with a view to drawing up an agreement that sets out the commitments of each party, the list of beneficiaries (athletes and coaches), the preparations programme, the provisional budget and the objectives to be achieved.

In accordance with the qualification system published by the International Federations for qualification for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the Royal Moroccan Federations which have eligible athletes can benefit from this program to fully support their preparation on the following main budget headings: air transport , subsistence costs during courses and competitions (accommodation, catering, local transport), general sports equipment, costs of participation in competitions and courses.

The CNOM and the Ministry of Sports have reassessed the scale put in place to reward Moroccan athletes who will take part in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, in order to better encourage them to honorably represent the Kingdom of Morocco to these Games.

The money that will be given for places 1-32