Turkiye NOC launched “Empowering Girls through Sport” project
July 31, 2022
Official GSSE Logo officially unveiled
August 7, 2022The Hellenic Olympic Committee participates in the European program called GAMES. It is a 24-month project, which started in April 2022 and will be completed in March 2024. Its objective is to improve gender equality in the key leadership and decision-making positions of the participating National Olympic Committees (NOCs), by promoting structural changes in their governance, enhancing the understanding on the existing cultural barriers and encouraging the NOCs to work with their member federations to create a sustainable change.
Within GAMES, each partner NOC will develop a national strategic action plan with concrete actions to improve gender equality in their leadership, as well as to launch the implementation of the action plans – and related activities – at national level.
In February 2022, the EOC EU Office received the good news from the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission regarding the selection results of the Erasmus+ Sport call 2021.
The GAMES project gathers a consortium of European National Olympic Committees (NOCs): Turkiye, Greece, Belgium, Latvia, Ireland, Czech Republic, Germany and North Macedonia as well asrenowned experts in the field of gender equality and good governance, including Professor Emerita Kari Fasting from ‘Equal Rights’ and Rowland Jack from ‘I TRUST Sport’. Furthermore, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will act as a key player in terms of promoting and disseminating the project deliverables across all NOCs worldwide.