The online course on Sports Administration of the Albanian Olympic Committee
June 25, 2020
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June 29, 2020The Organizing Committee of the 19th edition of the Mediterranean Games, scheduled to be held in Oran in 2022, will have a new meeting on July 2 with the Coordination Commission of the International Committee of the Mediterranean Games.
This is the second meeting between the two parties in less than a month. The next meeting, which will also be held by videoconference, it will give the opportunity to the 12 commissions of the Organizing Committee to review the work carried out as part of the preparations for the event of the Mediterranean family especially after the postponement, for one year, of the next edition due to the coronavirus pandemic.
During the previous meeting, the President of the ICMG Coordination Commission, the Frenchman Bernard Amslam, had warned everyone to avoid any delay due to the postponement of the Games which will finally take place from June 25 to July 5, 2022.
“The postponement of the Mediterranean Games was more than necessary after the Olympic Games, scheduled for this summer, were postponed to 2021. We therefore had to avoid any overlap between the two events to ensure maximum success of the Oran Games” , the director general of the Organizing Committee Salim Iles told to Algérie Presse Service and expressed his optimism about the participation of the best athletes from the Mediterranean countries in the Oran edition of the Games.