France: Τhe meeting of the new Commission of Professional Sport

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The new Commission of Professional Sport met for the first time in an office, at the French Sport House, under the co-chairmanship of Yannick Souvré, director of the Women’s Basketball League, and Eric Tanguy, President of the French Volleyball Federation.

This inaugural meeting was welcomed by the CNOSF President, Brigitte Henriques, who underlined the importance of the cooperation between federations and professional leagues.

The Professional Sport Commission participates in discussions relating to legal, sporting and institutional news about the professional sport sector such as the treatment of issues relating to the supporters and the pirating of sports programs, the development of the first female divisions in the team sports, the joint implementation of national strategy in professional federations / leagues, etc.

It consists of the Presidents of twelve member federations of CNOSF as well as the six professional sports leagues.