The 7th inspection of the ICMG Coordination Commission in Oran
December 3, 2019
Addadi: “Α new dynamic marking the preparations οf Oran”
December 6, 2019The list of athletes vying to be elected to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Athletes’ Commission (AC) has been approved by the IOC Executive Board. The elections will take place next year during the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.
Nominated by their respective National Olympic Committees (NOCs) together with their NOC Athletes’ Commissions, the 30 candidates contending for the four available positions within the IOC AC are from 30 NOCs and 19 summer sports.
The candidates from the Mediterranean countries are: Pau Gasol (Spain), Vid Kavticnik (Slovenia), Pavlos Kontides (Cyprus) Federica Pellegrini (Italy), Aikaterini Stefanidi (Greece).
All athletes competing at Tokyo 2020 will be able to vote for their representatives at the Athlete365 Space positioned at the entrance to the dining hall in the Olympic Village, and also at other sites such as the football cities and the sailing venue. The poll will be open from 14 July (the day the Olympic Village opens) to 4 August 2020.
The IOC AC is composed of a maximum of 23 members (12 members directly elected by their peers and a maximum of 11 appointed), who serve a term of eight years. The vote is held at every Olympic Games, with four members elected at each Summer Games, and two at each Winter Games. Furthermore, the IOC President, in consultation with the IOC AC Chair, can appoint further Commission members, to ensure a good balance between regions, genders and sports. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Commission are elected by the Commission members, and must also be elected members of the AC.