ICMG mourns the loss of Bobana Veličković
June 23, 2020
The online course on Sports Administration of the Albanian Olympic Committee
June 25, 2020The EOC will distribute USD 2,800,000 to the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of Europe in order to support them in responding to the specific needs incurred by the COVID-19 pandemic and the postponement of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.
This amount has been allocated by the Association of the National Olympic Committees (ANOC) and will be distributed through the EOC in consideration of Continental specificity, and in coordination with Olympic Solidarity to avoid duplication of activities and existing Olympic Solidarity World and Continental programmes.
This financial aid will allow NOCs to sustain additional costs that might occur in the lead-up to the Tokyo Games, now to be staged in 2021, related to a number of activities, including athlete preparation, materials and equipment, NOC administration as well as communication and advocacy focusing on measures linked to COVID-19.
Around half of the sum (USD 1,250,000) will be shared equally between the 50 European NOCs, and therefore a lump sum of USD 25,000 will be immediately available for each NOC.
Whereas the remaining part (USD 1,550,000) will be used for specific requests with special attention towards NON-EU NOCs and NOCs with greater difficulties. A technical working group comprised of members from EOC Executive Committee, with the assistance of the EOC Head Office, has been tasked for establishing the assessment’s criteria of these additional applications.