Thomas Bach to stand unopposed for IOC Presidency

Daniel Dimevski is the new President of North Macedonia Olympic Committee
December 1, 2020
The General Assembly of the Algerian NOC 
December 4, 2020
Daniel Dimevski is the new President of North Macedonia Olympic Committee
December 1, 2020
The General Assembly of the Algerian NOC 
December 4, 2020

IOC President Thomas Bach will be the only candidate for the presidential election, which will be held during the 137th IOC Session in Athens in March 2021.

As decided by the IOC Executive Board, the elected President will take office after the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, which will take place from 23 July to 8 August 2021.

The length of the President’s first term of office is fixed at eight years. If re-elected, his term will end in 2025.

An Olympic champion at Montreal 1976 (fencing, men’s foil team), Thomas Bach was a founding member of the IOC’s Athletes’ Commission and became an IOC member in 1991.