Croatia NOC rewards its best athletes at annual ceremony
February 15, 2020
“United by Emotion”: Τhe Tokyo 2020 Games motto
February 19, 2020The Coordination Commission of the International Committee of Mediterranean Games will travel to Oran on the 20th of February following its mission to evaluate the preparations of the 19th edition of Mediterranean Games 2021.
It will be the first visit in the 2020 of the Commission, led by the French Bernard Amslam, after several visits to the capital of the West Algeria during the previous year, in order to follow the works of the Organizing Committee of the Mediterranean Games scheduled to be held from June 26 to July 5, 2021.
The ICMG Executive Committee, under the leadership of the President Amar Addadi, also held at the beginning of last December, the first meeting in Oran devoted to the evaluation of the preparations for the Mediterranean event that Algeria is hosting for the second time in its history after the 7th edition of the Games, which took place in Algiers in 1975.