Season Greetings
December 21, 2019
The annual awards of the Spanish NOC
December 24, 2019The San Marino Olympic Committee has celebrated in a brilliant way, the 60th anniversary. The President of the International Committee of the Mediterranean Games, Amar Addadi, the IOC member and President of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, Spyros Capralos, the Presidents of the National Olympic Committees of Malta and Montenegro, Julian Pace Bonello and Duša Simonović as well as the Secretary General of the Committee Andorra Olympic, Tony Guerra were present at the event.
In the event was presented the Deluxe Edition, which recounts the 60 years of history of the National Olympic Committee of San Marino. Also, honors were awarded to the best athletes in the history of the country, as well as to coaches and judges.
Former President of the Olympic Committee, Libero Barulli and former Secretary General, Giuseppina Tamagnini were also honored for their significant contribution.On the sidelines of the event, Mr. Addadi had a fruitful conversation with the President of the San Marino Olympic Committee, Gian Primo Giardi, regading the sports in Mediterranean countries.