The ICMG President Amar Addadi thanks Dinos Michaelides

Algeria: Μeeting between the Medical Commission and sports physicians
March 4, 2020
The 2nd Mediterranean Beach Games of Patras were very successful
March 8, 2020
Algeria: Μeeting between the Medical Commission and sports physicians
March 4, 2020
The 2nd Mediterranean Beach Games of Patras were very successful
March 8, 2020

The President of the International Committee of Mediterranean Games Amar Addadi exchanged commemorative  gifts with the President of the Cyprus Olympic Committee Dinos Michaelides, before the opening of the Debriefing Seminar of the 2nd Mediterranean Beach Games “Patras 2009” in Cyprus.

Mr. Addai thanked Mr. Michaelides for hosting the Debriefing Seminar by the Cyprus Olympic Committee.