Bosnia and Herzegovina hosts first digital Athletes’ Forum
May 7, 2020
The Croatian Olympic Committee donated 1.000 t-shirts to the staff of a Zagreb hospital
May 13, 2020The Press Release of the French Olympic and Sports Committee:
Our families, our friends, our economy, our country, our lives are threatened by an invisible virus that has confined us for almost two months.
The time for deconfinement has come. With our Clubs, we want to help public officials, support them in their fight and help curb the spread of the virus by offering social reconstruction after social distancing.
Our Clubs are not just about sport and performance, it’s more than that. It is also the sharing of human values and a vector of social utility, which contribute to everyone’s health.
It is also a school of life, of self-respect, respect of the others and respect of the rule. Our 170,000 affiliated associations, the one million qualified coaches and the 3.5 million volunteers are everywhere. They are mobilized to apply barriers by adapting sports practice according to federal recommendations.
Our Clubs are there, near you, join them! Let us act together to successfully break out of containment.