Paris 2024 reveals 62 new sports pictograms

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The Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 released the 62 pictograms.

Each of the pictograms is a badge of honour, representing not only a sporting discipline but also a family, a sense of pride, a set of values and a community. It is a symbol of each wearer belonging to a chosen sporting family, and a sign of affinity with a great and beautiful sporting community.

Each one is composed of three graphical elements: an axis of symmetry, a depiction of the ground and a representation of the sport that it illustrates. Eight of the pictograms are shared between the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Pictograms have been a feature of the Olympics since Tokyo 1964, with a broad range of symbols used to represent each sport. Ever since each host country has endeavoured to push the envelope, with stylistic changes seen with every edition of the Games.