Olympic scholarships in Morocco

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In the framework of its “Olympic Scholarship Tokyo 2020” programme, the Moroccan NOC organised a meeting with the 10 athletes chosen by Olympic Solidarity for its qualification and preparation for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 programme.

The presidents and national technical directors of the federations concerned also attended, to talk about how the scholarship procedure will work.

The Olympic Scholarship Programme is an Olympic Solidarity programme that offers the possibility of obtaining financial and technical support for a limited number of elite athletes who train and try to qualify to the Tokyo Olympic Games

Following a call for applications launched by the CNOM to all the Olympic Federations, Olympic Solidarity has selected the following 10 athletes:

Asma NIANG   Judo

Badr SIWANE  Triathlon

Driss LAHRAICHI         Swimming

Hamza HOUSSAINI      Gymnastic

Houssam EL KORD      Fencing

Imad BASSOU  Judo

Maha HADDIOUI         Golf

Mathis SOUDI Canoë kayak

Sarah FRAINCART       Rowing

Zied AIT OUAGRAM    Wrestling