Mediterranean Games “Mersin 2013”
July 28, 2016
New E.B. in the Turkish Olympic Committee
The ICMG and its Commissions (Technical, Medical, Statutes and Coordination) conducted their meetings for the first time in the city of Mersin, which has the duty to host the 17th edition of the Mediterranean Games in 2013. During the meetings, which took place on the 30th, the 31st of March and on the 1st of April 2011, the discussions were focalized, above all, on the urgency of the establishment of the Organizing Committee “Mersin 2013”, particularly of the operational structure with the appointment of the Games Manager and the Heads οf the «key» Departments of the organization. The discussions dealt also with the planning of the next visits of the ICMG Coordination Commission, as well as the holding of the ICMG General Assembly, scheduled for the 15th of October 2011, which will have as context commemorative celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Mediterranean Games and of the 50th ICMG anniversary. During their stay, the ICMG members had the opportunity to visit the sport facilities and the Mediterranean Village under construction. They expressed their satisfaction for the existing infrastructure, underlying, though, to the Turkish responsible, taking into account the time schedule, the necessity to accelerate the launching of the procedure of preparation, in order to assure the success of the 17th Mediterranean Games.