Election of Mr. Kouvelos to the Β.o.D of the Olympic Truce Foundation
July 28, 2016
Death of the ICMG Honorary President Mohamed Mzali
July 28, 2016
The ICMG has set June 30 as deadline for the submission of candidatures. For that purpose, the ICMG President has formed an evaluation commission to assess the candidatures, which will hold a meeting beginning of July in order to establish its roadmap as well as the program of its visits to the different candidate cities. At the end of its visits, this commission will present its report to the President and the ICMG Executive Committee members, in February 2011. This report will then be sent to the National Olympic Committees (NOC) – ICMG members.
The selection of the city that will host the 2017 Mediterranean Games will take place during the ICMG General Assembly in 2011.