The Moroccan Olympic Committee organized an anti-doping session
October 6, 2020
IOC Session in Athens to take place from 10 to 12 March 2021
October 9, 2020The Croatian Olympic Committee held the elections of its Executive Board during its annual General Assembly, which took place in Zagreb, Croatia, on 5 October 2020.
Zlatko Mateša was unanimously re-elected President, while Josip Čop was re-appointed Secretary General, both for another four-year term.
Mateša, who is also an EOC Executive Committee Member, is leading the NOC since 2002.
Former Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, who was elected an IOC Member last July, is an Ex-Officio Member.
Damir Martin, Željko Jerkov, Sanda Čorak, Morana Paliković Gruden were re-elected Vice-Presidents.
While the Board Members for the next quadrennium are: Ivo-Goran Munivrana, Željan Konsuo, Zlatko Taritaš, Boris Mesarić, Branimir Bašić, Miho Glavić, Damir Knjaz, Dragan Primorac, Ivan Vestic and Anto Bakovic.