Death of Mr. Jacques Grospeillet
September 25, 2017
Patras, host city of the MBG 2019
October 23, 2017The official candidatures for the forthcoming elections of the new Executive Committee which will be held on October 13th in Tarragona during the ordinary General Assembly of the ICMG are the following:
For President:
- Mr. Amar Addadi (Algeria)
For 1st Vice-President:
- Mr. Victor Sanchez (Spain)
For 2nd Vice-President:
- Mr. Khaled Zein Eldin (Egypt)
- Mr. Eng. Hesham Hatab (Egypt)
For Secretary General:
- Mr. Isidoros Kouvelos (Greece)
For Treasurer:
- Mr. Kikis Lazarides (Cyprus)
For Members:
- General Souhail Khoury (Lebanon)
- Mr. Davide Tizzano (Italy)
- Mrs. Nese Gundogan (Turkiye)
- Mr. Stavri Bello (Albania)
- Mr. Marwan Maghur (Libya)
- Colonel Major Mustapha Zekri (Morocco)
- Mr. Lino Farrugia Sacco (Malta)
- Mr. Maher Bouchamaoui (Tunisia)
- Mr. Bernard Amsalem (France)
- Mr. Kamal Lahlou (Morocco)